Get the most from Wolseley and Commusoft
Our Wolseley integration connects using a Wolseley account number. Instead of sending purchase orders to suppliers via email, purchase orders will go directly into the Wolseley system, helping them get processed faster. Additionally, clients can check live pricing for parts when they raise a purchase order. These live prices will save into their Commusoft account, so prices automatically stay up to date without any admin.
Wolseley is the UK’s largest supplier of plumbing and heating products.
Seamless purchase orders and live part prices within Commusoft.
Converts parts into POs and then into supplier invoices
Easiest way to send purchase orders!
Safe, secure and resilient
Wolseley customers can look up their live contract prices and the prices of the non-contract items they regularly purchase when raising purchase orders.
Looking to use this integration in your field service business?
Learn more here: UK Website
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